
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ford recalls 'Squeaky' Fromme assassination attempt in video

Newly released footage from the trial of Charles Manson disciple Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme shows President Gerald Ford calmly and carefully recalling the attempted assassination in the videotaped testimony.The roughly 20-minute interview taped in Washington was released Monday by a federal court as the result of a motion filed by a local historical group.
The former president recalled seeing a hand holding a large handgun slipping through a crowd at a Sacramento park before a Secret Service agent lunged at Fromme.

Almost  38 years ago, on Sept. 5, 1975, at around 9:30 a.m., a young woman left her $100-a-month attic apartment at 1725 P St. and began the short stroll to the CA. state Capitol. Dressed in a flowing red robe and carrying a loaded Colt .45-caliber pistol in a leg holster, she became part of American history. At 10:06 a.m., Lynette Alice Fromme pulled the pistol out from under her robe and pointed it at President Gerald R. Ford.......
Ford recalls 'Squeaky' Fromme assassination attempt in video

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Squeaky Fromme on the stand 
during the penalty phase the trial of Charles Manson 1971 by Howard Brodie
During the Manson trial, Howard Brodie recalled Fromme and other Manson followers camped outside 

the Hall of Justice where the trial was taking place. They carved an "X" in their foreheads following 

Manson's lead. Fromme took the stand in defense of Manson, during the penalty phase of the trial. When 

asked if she was in love with Manson, she responded

"Well, Charlie's in love with love, I'm in love with love so I'm in love with Charlie. All of us are."

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sean Bell Illustrations for WABC/ Reporter NJ Burkett at the John Jay School of Criminal Justice

The John Jay School of Criminal Justice acquired the complete collection of the illustrations from the Sean Bell trial drawn by Elizabeth Williams for WABC News with reporter NJ Burkett . Burkett and Williams covered the entire trial which ran from late February 2008 through April 2008. It was a contentious and challenging case. It focused on the aftermath of a bachelor party that ended in the shooting death of Bell involving three NYPD officers, two of whom were black. All officers were acquitted of any criminal charges. One of the officers, Gescard Isnora was eventually departmentally fired.
To view the works,
one can now contact John Jay and the school has the works available for any interested party.
Sean Bell John Jay School Link
Elizabeth Williams collection information

Sean Bell trial,
Gescard Isnora attorney Anthony Riccio,
cross examination of Joseph Guzman
Link to YouTube video of Sean Bell Trial illustrations.

Hillside Strangler 30 years: longest criminal trial in US History

Dateline August 24th, 1983 
There is "no doubt" that Angelo Buono Jr. committed the 10 Hillside Strangler murders, a prosecutor charged as he ended the first phase of final arguments in what is believed to be the longest criminal trial in U.S. history. Final arguments took a total of 5 1/2 weeks; Buono  was found guilty on November 1, 1983.

Thirty years ago with 450 witnesses and nearly 2 years of testimony, the Hillside Strangler trial finally came to a close, with closing statements. Below is a drawing of Angelo Buono over the 4 year period he was incarcerated from arraignment to verdict. Buono the one time auto upholsterer, with his cousin Kenneth Bianchi a former security guard, strangled 10 women and girls in the Los Angeles area from 1977-1978. He was finally caught in 1979. Similar to the Son of Sam case in NYC, the Hillside Strangler case grabbed the attention of the press and the people of LA, causing great unease and concern over the 2 year period. Indeed the LA City Council passed an ordinance that would allow them to post a 25K reward leading to an arrest, the County Board of Supervisors had offered a 100K reward. A lengthy investigation by the LAPD led them to Bianchi who had moved to Washington State, he was arrested there. Then Bianchi plead guilty and implicated Buono. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More arrests expected in N.Y. counterfeit art fraud - The Santa Fe New Mexican: News

More arrests expected in N.Y. counterfeit art fraud - The Santa Fe New Mexican: News

Glafira Rosales in Manhattan Federal court with her attorney Steven Kartagener

On Monday Glafira Rosales appeared in court for another arraignment on a superseding indictment related to her fraudulent sale of counterfeit artworks. She looked rather pained about the whole experience. Thought it was important to capture that emotion, though it was over in a flash. Fortunately I had time to finish up the illustration. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Jackson's ex-wife says some of singer's medical visits sparked concerns about necessity

Jackson's ex-wife says some of singer's medical visits sparked concerns about necessity

Debbie Rowe testified for a second day at the AEG Jackson wrongful death trial. At times she broke down on the stand  clutching a tissue,  described Jackson as suffering debilitating pain throughout the nearly 20 years that the pair were close friends. She said her husband trusted his doctors and depended on them to give him proper medications.
Debbie Rowe breaking down on the stand 

Debbie Rowe in court by Bill Robles
TV News Video link

Friday, August 16, 2013

Trial date set for RHONJ's Joe and Teresa Giudice | In Touch Weekly

Trial date set for RHONJ's Joe and Teresa Giudice | In Touch Weekly
The judge set a trial date for October 8th at 9am. It is likely to last around two weeks.
Both Teresa and Joe were in the courtroom for the brief 15-minute hearing and both submitted not guilty pleas to all charges.
“Teresa looked stone cold serious,” an eyewitness tells InTouch of the star who came dressed for the occasion in a cream colored suit. “She only looked up at the judge when she addressed her directly.”

Joe and Teresa Giudice Arraignment

Arraignment of Joe and Teresa Giudice in Newark Federal Court by Aggie Kenny

Monday, August 12, 2013

MARC DREIER Post Script: Manhattan US Attorney Announces Transfer of 18 valuable works of Art to Marc Dreier Victim

Marc Dreier  is a  lawyer who was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison in 2009 for committing investment fraud using a Ponzi scheme. He was involved in a scheme that included impersonating people to try to sell investors fake financial investments. Finally he was caught in Canada impersonating an in house lawyer for a teachers pension, trying to sell more fake financial instruments. When he was caught and brought to court he almost looked like a homeless person. 
Marc Dreier first court appearance after arrest

Today the US Attorney announced that 18 pieces of artwork by well known artists such as:  Andy Warhol, Mark Rothko, and Roy Lichtenstein, were transferred to  a victim of the Dreier fraud. Prior to Dreier's arrest, he displayed the artwork in his residence. Dreier gave victim-1 a security interest in the artwork valued at over 30 million dollars, purportedly to secure the payment to victim-1 on promissory notes that Dreier secretly forged, and that had a face value of over $110 million.  

Below is the illustration of Dreier's plea, he is seated while his attorney Gerald Shargel speaks. The courtroom was full of victims of his fraud, including Judith Reagan( in white suit) who claimed Dreier tried to extort a settlement from her and improperly disclosed her $10.75 million settlement with HarperCollins.

Marc Dreier plea with victims in audience, including Judith Reagan former editor at Harper Collins

Thursday, August 8, 2013

SON OF SAM arrest 36 years ago August 1977

David Berkowitz and his adoptive father, Nathan by Richard Tomlinson
Interesting to see the photo and  Richard Tomlinson's drawing, how he captured Berkowtiz's  distinctive  profile
Thirty six years ago after the largest manhunt in New York history, David Berkowitz was arrested without incident outside his apartment on August 10, 1977. As he was being taken into custody he mildly said, "Well, you got me. How come it took you such a long time?"

This was a huge news story not only in New York City, but the country. Both Aggie Kenny and Richard Tomlinson covered the story. 
Posted are some never before published illustrations from the arraignment and subsequent hearing of Berkowitz. There are many more included in the upcoming book, the Illustrated Courtroom : 50 Years of Court Art.
"Son of Sam" David Berkowitz Arraignment in Brooklyn Criminal Court by Aggie Kenny
Note Berkowitz was given a jacket to wear during his court appearance, something that is not done today.
Defendants appear in court today, in all manner of dress.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


I had a challenging day in court on my assignment to draw final arguments in
the drawn out Macy's suit vs J.C Penney & Co. and Martha Stewart Living.
I drew and painted 2 scenes of  the attorneys for JCPenney and MSLO. There
ensued a bench conference after which the clerk informed me that I was
the topic.
Martha Stewart Living Attorney Eric Seiler giving closing statement

Theodore Grossman( above) had complained that he was having an
allergic reaction to my art materials. I was taken aback because I use 
watercolor, water, pen and pencil. Grossman approached me and 
apologetically insisted that I sit in the farthest reaches of the courtroom 
and refrain from painting. 

So after that, I could only draw  in the courtroom, and then painted the pictures outside in the hallway. AK

From the New York Post story:
Blame Martha!
JCPenney, whose 2011 merchandising deal with Martha Stewart led to a 19-month legal battle with rival Macy’s, hinted strongly yesterday that Stewart’s company was responsible for the long-running contract spat.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Today the Wall Street Journal and  other papers had articles about the jury
Wall Street Tourre Jury story link
New York Times Jury story link
Bloomberg Jury Story Link

Though the testimony was pretty complex and peppered with words and phrases like "beauty pageant" , "road show", " in this space" RMBS, CDO, and many others, over the 2 + weeks, the jury listened, took notes and rendering a verdict. Most of the jurors had no experience in the financial field.
Fabrice Tourre Jury listening to Judge Katherine Forrest

Thursday, August 1, 2013


After 2 and 1/2 days of jury deliberations the jury came in with a verdict that found the defendant, Fabrice Tourre libel on the majority of counts.
From the Wall Street Journal
The panel of nine jurors found Mr. Tourre liable on six of seven claims that he violated federal securities law by intentionally misleading investors. The jurors also determined he had aided and abetted an alleged fraud by Goldman.
Wall Street Journal Chad Bray story link
Also the Japan TV station NHK did a story about the trial
link below.

He hardly flinched this afternoon, when the verdict was read by the court deputy.
Fabrice Tourre during reading of the verdict by Joe Pecorino the courtroom deputy.
The artist are not  allowed to draw a recognizable jury, so they are a blur. 

When the jury's note in the morning indicated they were leaning toward a decision not in his favor, he became more visibly concerned. ( below)
Fabrice Tourre after the morning note from the jury was read by the judge, which indicated they were leaning toward a libel verdict. He was downcast and pensive, which was unusual because during the deliberations, he was chatting and talking with his lawyers and their staff, lots of friendly interactions.

Also Michael Santoro a professor from Rutgers University attended almost every day of the trial and has a blog about the case.
Michael Santoro blog