Monday, June 18, 2012

SANDUSKY TRIAL Prosecution rests

Artist Aggie Kenny has been covering this trial and her images and text below.

Sandusky prosecution rests, 6/18/2012

The mother of one of 10 boys allegedly molested by Sandusky took the stand today. In emotional testimony she described insisting her son accompany Sandusky on many occasions despite his protestations. Her heavy breathing gave way to sobs as she covered her face. She was a  poor woman but a smart woman and full of grief.

story link

 Prosecuting attorney Frank Fina successfully countered most of defense attorney Karl Rominger's motions to drop more than 20 of the 51 charges.
The courtroom in the Bellefonte Pa courthouse is a large beautiful room, painted white, dotted with windows with deep red curtains and painted portraits. There is a very large decorative medallion in the ceiling. 
It's beauty is an odd contrast to such a lurid trial.

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