Thursday, June 20, 2013

APPLE eBOOK Anti-Trust Trial: Summations to Judge Cote

Today the lawyers gave their summations in the US v Apple eBook anti-trust trial.
First Orin Snyder, who is the lead attorney for Apple,  gave his summation  to Judge Cote.
At the end of his presentation, an Apple iPad animation appeared on the screen with the final words from 
his summation, in the form of an eBook. The pages turned as he spoke his final words
showing off the page curl feature of the eBook. The judge took note, as did everyone else:-)

Story by Fortune reporter Philip Elmer-Dewitt

Also Publishers Weekly just published an eBook in the eBook trial and how the major publishers and Apple managed to change how eBook pricing was set for a period of time.
The Battle of the $9.99 eBook
Apple Atty Orin Snyder giving his summation to Judge Denise Cote
Mark Ryan giving closing statement to Judge Denise Cote
Then after Apple's atty gave his summation, the DOJ atty Mark Ryan spoke. Judge Cote was very attentive to both arguments and asked questions of both attorneys.

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