Jersey City Black Panthers
This drawing by Richard Tomlinson has always been one of our favorites, but we never knew who was pictured in the image. It was kept in a nice folio book for over 40 years and was never removed. While putting the show together for the Brennan Courthouse (which will open on Monday April 29th), Richard's widow generously agreed to allow the work to be shown, but still no idea of who was in the image. A computer search came up negative, no clues there. Never thinking a caption would be on the back of the paper, no one looked, until today. There it was, the complete story ( see image below). This beautiful drawing shows the 3 defendants of the trial: Rowley, Perez and Hicks in Richard's bold iconoclastic style. A mystery solved.
Left to right Isaiah Rowley, Victor Perez, Charles Hicks of the Jersey City Black Panther trial |