Monday, November 23, 2015

NY Observer: Prosecution and Defense Deliver Closing Statements in Sheldon Silver Case by Ross Barkin

Steven Molo gives closing statement describing the prosecutor's case " A theory in search of a case"

Mr. Molo’s argument boiled down to the prosecution failing repeatedly to prove explicit bribery in either the asbestos or real estate schemes. He called the real estate allegations “bizarre,” contending that Mr. Silver was a pro-tenant speaker who did not make rent regulations, particularly when they were up for state renewal in 2011, weaker on behalf of major developers. He said the reason the small real estate law firm, Goldberg & Iryami, was steered so much business was because they did “good work.”
He maintained that federal prosecutors simply didn’t like how politics in Albany worked, and built a case around that. Part-time legislators are allowed to earn outside income, he said, and “it’s okay to be motivated by the money” as long as no laws are broken.
“Was there an illegal quid pro quo? The answer to that is no,” he said.
NY Observer Link

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