Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It Happened Today—February 4 » Do You Remember Betty Friedan

It Happened Today—February 4 » Do You Remember

Betty Friedan the woman rights leader and activist who wrote the ground breaking Feminine Mystique
was born and died on February 4th.

Her  book, was credited with a second wave of feminism in the United States.
Back in 1989, New York Newsday hired me to draw a series of interviews and the first in the series was a conversation between Betty Friedan and playwright Wendy Wasserstien. Wasserstein had written the popular Heidi Chronicles, which was playing on Broadway at the time.

The conversation took place in Wendy Wasserstien's apartment on lower 5th Avenue. At the time I did not realize what a historic event this was but I did keep the artwork and now 25 years later am sharing it here,
in honor of Friedan. EW

Last year Janet Maslin wrote an article about the Feminine Mystique 50 years later.
Here is the link

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