Tuesday, June 18, 2013

APPLE eBOOK Anti-Trust Trial: Eddy Cue and Judge Cote, final questions

Monday afternoon, at the US v Apple anti trust trial, the questioning of Eddy Cue was completed by Judge Cote. She was particularly curious about the 5 draft emails written by Steve Jobs, but never sent to Mr Cue. 
Mr Cue did his best to answer the judges questions. Then once he was off the stand the government rested their case.
Here is the complete story  by Philip Elmer-Dewitt
US v Apple story by Philip Elmer-Dewitt of Fortune magazine

Judge Denise Cote questions senior VP of Apple Eddy Cue about 5 draft emails written by Steve Jobs

After the all the evidence was presented and both sides rested, the judge gave an indication that her position
may be shifting.
Publishers Weekly story by Andrew Albanese
Publishers Weekly Apple trial story

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